“Indeed, under the law almost everything is purified with blood, and without the shedding of blood there is no forgiveness of sins” (Hebrews 9:22 ESV).
The standard means of ceremonial cleansing under the Old Covenant involved an animal sacrifice. However, there were some exceptions to that rule. For instance, a person of limited financial means might bring an offering of fine flour according to Leviticus 5:11. Another exception involved spoils of war. Those items were cleansed through fire or water, depending on their composition.
One commentator summarizes this idea by observing, “…as a general principle, God required the ‘shedding of blood’ (death) for ‘forgiveness’ under the Mosaic Law. The Israelites saw this most clearly on the Day of Atonement, but every animal sacrifice reminded them of it.” (1) However, this sacrificial principle did not originate with the Old Covenant.
After the first human couple disobeyed God’s directive in the Garden of Eden, we’re told, “…the Lord God made clothing from animal skins for Adam and his wife” (Genesis 3:21 NLT). This indicates that an animal was made to sacrifice its life in order for Adam and Eve to be clothed. This aligns with the warning presented to Adam concerning the death penalty that would result if he chose to ignore God’s instructions (Genesis 2:16-17).
That penalty was further executed in the death of an innocent animal in order to cover the result of what that first human couple had done. Later came the death of an innocent Person that served to counteract what they (and all who followed them) had done.
While this bloody procession of sacrificial offerings is undoubtedly disturbing, they serve as a graphic depiction that illustrates the high cost of sin. So, while some may view good works, charitable giving, or other external efforts as a means of salvation, Hebrews 9:22 reminds us that “…without the shedding of blood there is neither release from sin and its guilt nor the remission of the due and merited punishment for sins” (AMPC).
Finally, one source closes our look at this verse from a different (but equally important) perspective…
“Why does forgiveness require the shedding of blood? This is no arbitrary decree on the part of a bloodthirsty God, as some have suggested. There is no greater symbol of life than blood; blood keeps us alive. Jesus shed his blood-gave his life-for our sins so that we wouldn’t have to experience spiritual death, eternal separation from God. Jesus is the source of life, not death.” (2)
(1) Constable, Thomas. DD, Notes on Hebrews 2021 Edition “The superior sacrifice for sin 9:16-28” [7:12] [pg. 161] See https://www.planobiblechapel.org/tcon/notes/html/nt/hebrews/hebrews.htm
(2) Life Application Study Bible [Hebrews 9:22] Copyright © 1988, 1989, 1991, 1993, 1996, 2004 by Tyndale House Publishers Inc., all rights reserved.