2 Peter – Chapter Three XXXIII

by Ed Urzi

“You therefore, beloved, since you know this beforehand, beware lest you also fall from your own steadfastness, being led away with the error of the wicked” (2 Peter 3:17).

As we approach the end of this great Biblical epistle, 2 Peter 3:17 offers a final admonition regarding heretical ministers and their teachings: since you have been alerted to the presence of those who twist and distort the Scriptures, you must remain vigilant and alert. That message is as timely today as it was when it was first written, for if false teachers were active in the Apostle Peter’s era, how much greater is their activity today?

Then, as now, there are no shortages of those who seek to take advantage of the spiritually naïve. Thus, we have Peter’s encouragement to remain steadfast. One commentary underscores the need for diligence in this area with a closer look at this reference to being “led” or “carried” away…

“The verb ‘carried away’ (synapachthentes; trans. “led astray” in Gal_2:13) emphasizes a group or corporate movement. False teachers are not satisfied with ambushing one or two, now and then, here and there; they want to sweep large groups of people away from the correct doctrine of Christ. Those who keep company with such people are in danger of being led astray (referred to as ‘falling’; cf. 2Pe_1:10; Gal_5:4).” (1)

We should also note the descriptive phrase that closes this verse: “the error of the wicked.” This serves to remind us that heretical teachers are not mistaken, confused, or misguided. Instead, this passage describes such individuals as wicked…

“The term ‘wicked’ here means ‘unsettled’ or ‘lawless.’ These men were “unlearned and unstable” (3:16) in the Scriptures, and so were leading others astray with their twisting of God’s Word to fit their own opinions. There are many such teachers today as well, so ‘beware.'” (2)

Once again, this passage highlights the importance of reading God’s Word regularly, for those who are unfamiliar with Biblical teachings may be susceptible to various forms of deception. From erroneous spiritual beliefs that are not what they seem, to charismatic spiritual leaders who take advantage of those who don’t know any better, we can avoid many forms of deception simply by making a prayerful commitment to read the Scriptures each day.

Since God has warned us of such things through the inspired pen of the Apostle Peter, we should be diligent to ensure that we are not “…led away with the error of the wicked.”

Image Credit: Florent Darrault from Paris, France, CC BY-SA 2.0, via Wikimedia Commons

(1) John F. Walvoord and Roy B. Zuck, Bible Knowledge Commentary [2 Peter 3:17]

(2) Institute for Creation Research, New Defender’s Study Bible Notes [2 Peter 3:17] https://www.icr.org/bible/2Pet/3/17/ Accessed 04 October, 2024