1 Timothy– Chapter Six XL

by Ed Urzi


“O Timothy, guard the deposit entrusted to you. Avoid the irreverent babble and contradictions of what is falsely called “knowledge,” for by professing it some have swerved from the faith. Grace be with you.” (1 Timothy 6:20-21 ESV).

“What is most remarkable about this conclusion is the lack of any final greetings. All the Pauline letters, including this one, sign off with a final grace, or benediction. But only 1 Timothy and Galatians have no greetings from Paul and friends to the recipient and friends (cf. 2 Tim. 4:19-21; Titus 3:15). To the very end this letter is characteristically ‘all business,’ and except for some new language, this final charge merely summarizes that business.” (1)

“The book of 1 Timothy provides guiding principles for local churches, including rules for public worship and qualifications for elders (overseers, pastors), deacons, and special church workers (widows). Paul tells the church leaders to correct incorrect doctrine and to deal lovingly and fairly with all people in the church. The church is not organized simply for the sake of organization but so that Christ can be honored and glorified. While studying these guidelines, don’t lose sight of what is most important in the life of the church—knowing God, working together in loving harmony, and taking God’s Good News to the world.” (2)

(1) Gordon D. Fee, 1 and 2 Timothy, Titus, p. 160. Quoted in Dr. Thomas L. Constable, Notes on 1 Timothy 2021 Edition [VI. Concluding Charge And Benediction 6:20-21] https://www.planobiblechapel.org/tcon/notes/html/nt/1timothy/1timothy.htm

(2) Life Application Study Bible [1 Timothy 6:21] Copyright © 1988, 1989, 1991, 1993, 1996, 2004 by Tyndale House Publishers Inc., all rights reserved.