2 Timothy– Chapter One VI

by Ed Urzi

“Therefore I remind you to stir up the gift of God which is in you through the laying on of my hands” (2 Timothy 1:6).

The word “therefore” should alert us to the need to pay attention whenever we encounter it within the Scriptures. You see, this word signals a transition from an earlier teaching or idea to an action (or list of actions) that build upon the foundation the author has established. In this instance, Timothy’s “genuine faith” (verse five) served as the foundation for verse six where Paul the Apostle encouraged him to put his God-given gift to use.

This involved “stirring up” that gift, a word-picture that invokes the image of a smoldering campfire, fireplace, or wood-burning stove. Just as the glowing embers of a fire can be stoked into flame, Timothy was similarly encouraged to “stir up” his gift and make use of it.  We can turn to several other illustrations to underscore this idea.

For instance, we may lose the ability to communicate fluently in various languages if we fail to use those languages regularly. A muscle may atrophy if it is not put to use. A mechanical device, electronic component, or piece of machinery may fail to operate if left idle for long periods. Such is the price of allowing such assets to fall into disuse.

In light of this, Paul was diligent to remind Timothy to utilize the gift that God had imparted to him. In a similar manner, we also serve as stewards of the gifts, skills, talents, and abilities that God has given us. Like Timothy, we have a similar obligation to “stir up” those qualities in service to Him.

We can view these gifts as resources that God has given us to invest- and much like the servants in Jesus’ Parable of the Talents, we are responsible to invest those resources in a God-honoring manner…

“This reminds us that God does not work His gifts through us as if we were robots. Even when He gives a man or a woman gifts, He leaves an element that needs the cooperation of their will, of their desire and drive, to fulfill the purpose of His gifts… Some are waiting passively for God to use them; but God is waiting for them to stir up the gifts that are within them. Some are waiting for some dramatic new anointing from God, and God is waiting for them to stir up what He has already given.” (1)

We’ll take a closer look at the word “gift” in the context of this passage over our next two studies.

(1) David Guzik, 2 Timothy 1 – A Spirit Of Boldness https://enduringword.com/bible-commentary/2-timothy-1/