“and what you have heard from me in the presence of many witnesses entrust to faithful men who will be able to teach others also” (2 Timothy 2:2 ESV).
One means of obtaining job security in the business world involves working to ensure that a company cannot easily replace someone in his or her position. One aspect of that strategy is highly beneficial, while the other is much less so.
For instance, a person who works for his or her employer as if he or she is working for Christ is likely to be someone who is critical to a company’s business success. In addition to serving as a good witness for Christ, this approach can help ensure that a company looks elsewhere if it ever seeks to reduce payroll.
From a negative perspective, this strategy may involve developing a set of proprietary skills related to a critical business function and then working to prevent anyone else from acquiring those skills. A person who employs this strategy may simply be “looking out for number one” to borrow a famous motivational phrase. However, this second model differs from the Biblical model given to us here in 2 Timothy 2:2.
In the Lord’s economy, a God-honoring person freely entrusts the teachings of the Scriptures to other faithful individuals who will share them in the same manner. In a larger sense, this passage should also prompt us to consider Jesus’ message to His disciples from Matthew 10:8: “Freely you have received, freely give.”
This verse offers another practical application as well: we should look to assist others in fulfilling God’s call upon their lives. Unlike those who may be inclined to “watch their back” or “protect their turf” within the church, we should be ready to work freely with those whom God is raising up and facilitate their growth. In this respect, our mindset should mirror the attitude displayed by John the Baptist…
“They went to John and said, ‘Rabbi, you spoke about a man when you were with him east of the Jordan. He is now baptizing people, and everyone is going to him.’
John replied: No one can do anything unless God in heaven allows it. You surely remember how I told you that I am not the Messiah. I am only the one sent ahead of him. At a wedding the groom is the one who gets married. The best man is glad just to be there and to hear the groom’s voice. That’s why I am so glad. Jesus must become more important, while I become less important” (John 3:26-30 CEV).