“Likewise, their wives must be reverent, not slanderers, temperate, faithful in all things” (1 Timothy 3:11).
1 Timothy 3:11 has proven to be a verse that may be difficult to interpret. The question involves whether this passage refers to the wives of male deacons or to female deacons within the church. In addition to the New King James Version quoted above, the ESV, HCSB, and NET versions of 1 Timothy 3:11 each refer to the wives of deacons. On the other hand, the ASV, CEV, NASB, and NIV translations simply refer to “women.” According to several commentators, the original language of this verse will permit either rendering.
However, given that a literal translation of this passage is “Women likewise [must be] dignified not slanderers…” it would seem this verse refers to female deacons. We find a Biblical example of a female deacon serving in a local church fellowship in the closing chapter of Paul the Apostle’s letter to the church at Rome…
“I commend to you Phoebe our sister, who is a servant of the church in Cenchrea” (Romans 16:1).
The word translated “servant” in Romans 16:1 is diakonos, the very same word that was used for “deacon” earlier in 1 Timothy 3:8. Therefore, it would seem that male and female deacons are addressed in this letter to Timothy. One commentator identifies the value of male and female deacons in ministering to others within the Christian community…
“The qualifications for these female servants are similar to those for the male leaders. They were meant to be deacon-helpers in situations where a male deacon would simply be inappropriate (caring for sick women, helping prepare women before and after baptism, regular visits to older women, etc).” (1)
Nevertheless, it seems best to avoid making too much of these interpretive differences. If this passage refers to the wives of male deacons, then it serves to remind us that a marriage partner can enhance or impair her husband’s ministry. For instance, a wife who is irreverent, slanderous, intemperate, or fails to exhibit faithfulness in various areas will negatively affect the work of her husband. Therefore, this passage provides an important reminder for the marriage partners of those who hold this office.
If a female deacon is in view, then this verse tells us that there are uniform standards for this position regardless of whether that person is a male or female. There is no difference between the two in this respect for each is held to the same high standard of conduct.
(1) Dr. Bob Utley. Free Bible Commentary, [1 Timothy 3:11] Copyright © 2014 Bible Lessons International http://www.freebiblecommentary.org/new_testament_studies/VOL09/VOL09_03.html