1 Timothy– Chapter Five XXIV

by Ed Urzi

“Those who are sinning rebuke in the presence of all, that the rest also may fear” (1 Timothy 5:20).

A careful analysis of this passage reveals a critical detail that might easily be overlooked. You see, the sinful behavior referenced within this verse was not a mistake, an accident, or a momentary indiscretion. Instead, this passage refers to “Those who are sinning…” or those who were continuously engaged in sin. The following translations clearly serve to establish this connection…

“As for those who persist in sin…” (ESV).

“Those who continue in sin…” (NASB).

“Confront those who persist in sinning…” (Mounce).

When continued, unrepentant sin occurs, a decision to address the matter in a public setting with wisdom, discernment, and sensitivity may be in order. This not only minimizes the potential for gossip and unwarranted speculation but also provides an example that may help deter others who are inclined to follow a similar path.

One Pastoral leader strikes an appropriate balance in his analysis of this passage…

“If the facts are known that a church leader has sinned, he is to be rebuked. The question arises, Is this to be done publicly? I believe that when a member of a church sins and it does not concern the congregation it should never be brought out into the open, nor should it be confessed publicly.

However, when a leader of the church, an officer in the church, sins, and it has hurt the church, then I think it is time to call names. It may also be time to drop his name from the roll of membership. Great harm can be done to a church by sin in the life of its leaders, and this is the way Paul says it should be dealt with.” (1)

The Scriptures also address the public nature of a rebuke in the continued presence of sinful behavior in the New Testament letter of 1 Corinthians…

“When you have gathered together, I am with you in spirit. Then, in the name of our Lord Jesus, and with his power, hand such a person over to Satan to destroy his corrupt nature so that his spiritual nature may be saved on the day of the Lord” (1 Corinthians 5:3-5).

Finally, one commentator summarizes the essence of this passage with a concluding thought…

“Elders are not to be condemned on insufficient evidence; nor are they to be exempted from discipline because of their office and authority if their sin is demonstrated.” (2)

(1) J. Vernon McGee, Thru The Bible with J. Vernon McGee, 1 Timothy 5:1-25 Relationship Of Ministers To Different Groups In The Local Church, Copyright 1981 by J. Vernon McGee

(2) Sproul, R. C. (Ed.). (2015). The Reformation Study Bible: English Standard Version (2015 Edition) (p. 2162). Orlando, FL: Reformation Trust.